Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's not the flash

Now the other side of the coin, kind of, to my previous post: Appearances

A couple of years ago at my old job, I traveled a lot. One of the places I frequent was China. One weekend a co-worker who knew the area took us on a sightseeing tour. There was a huge UNESCO World heritage site and we were in need of a guide. In China there is an abundance of people everywhere and same with tour guides. As soon as we arrived we were surrounded by a pack of tour guides trying to get our attention. We were totally overwhelmed. Our coworker pointed to a girl at the edge of the crowd, who contrary to everyone else wasn't yelling or pushing to get in front of us. She was a great guide. Not in your face but just as informative and entertaining.

Usually the loudest and flashiest gets noticed, but they are not the only choice or always the best choice.

I was reminded of this again at the corn maze this weekend. Everyone is drawn to the big maze, and we originally weren't even going to go to the smaller one. We had the best time in the smaller because the corn was higher, the maze was harder, and no one was there.

So don't just go for big, loud, and flash. Look around, try different things and get to know different types of people. Because there are brilliant people worth knowing and hidden treasures worth exploring.

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