There was this guy I've been seeing a couple of times. It always seems like a little bit of a power struggle between us. He likes to change locations I suggest we meet at and the time. If weather makes his choice of date activity kind of miserable, instead of agreeing to do something else less miserable, he insist we go. Being a good sport I went. It wasn't bad because I believe in making the best of everything, but I was still cold and wet for most of the date. And it seems like we are in a competition for who suggests the better date. I know that's a lot to know for 2 dates but there you go. I figure I give him another chance (and to top his last date but suggesting a better one). My suggestion? Flashlight night at the corn maze.
He was pretty excited about that. But of course the whole power struggle starts over the details. Last straw. I decided to organize a girl's night of it instead and we had a blast.
I made hot chocolate with Bailey's. We made a detour to Macdonald for an 'experiment', which I will write about later. We ran into a huge crowd at the maze. Apparently it's a family friendly activity. For the most part of the maze we were actually going deeper into the maze hoping to find a quiet spot rather than trying to get out. But after we did come out we had a good night. We tried calf roping(fake calf), duck race (fake ducks), goat feeding (real goats), and found another maze. This maze was smaller than the main one. As a result we were the only ones in there. Even though it was smaller, the corn was taller, it was really dark, it was so quiet you can hear anything moving amongst the corn (spooky!) and the maze was difficult, exactly what we thought flashlight night should be like.
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