Monday, January 17, 2011

Exam eve

My professional exam if tomorrow. I've spent the last two weekends studying...and not studying. It's a reward system. If I study for two hour, I get to do one hour of something else.

I've also reverted back to my old university days of snacking. *sigh* Will need to get back on track when all this is over.

1 comment:

  1. oh man, this reminds me of my own forthcoming professional exams... I have two of them. passed the last one, kept on working, and now I've lost my momentum :( I know what you mean about reverting back to your old school days. for the first part of my exams, i went back to my school library, it felt like a place from a previous lifetime even though I only graduated a few months ago.

    let us know how you do on your exam and good luck!
