Monday, November 15, 2010

Tracking my spending

I went to visit Sis and Bil over the weekend. To keep myself occupied during the drive I borrowed a book on CD "Smart Woman Finish Rich". I'm not finished yet, but I have decided to start tracking my spending to see where my money is going. A first step to a budget and to identify way I could save more.

I will do this the old fashion way: writing down each expense. I think act of writing also make me more aware of each item of spending.

1 comment:

  1. Just found your new blog home :)
    Tracking my spending was the single most empowering thing I did for myself that, over time, got me out of debt and chronically being broke, into being a property owner with a little nest egg portfolio.
    To be honest, I don't track anymore, but I do have a budget that I stick to.
    Best wishes on the tracking!
