Monday, November 8, 2010

#12 Weekly Yoga

As I said before, there is a reason behind each one of the items on my 30 before 30 list. The weekly yoga is actually an intermediate step towards the 30 day yoga challenge.

Currently I do yoga once a couple of months at best. However, I believe in the benefit to doing yoga regularly, and this is a little motivation to get my butt to yoga class. Instead of treating this like a sprint (jumping right to the 30 day yoga challenge), I'd rather approach it like a marathon (develop the habit of the weekly yoga and then attempt the big challenge). Currently there is approximately 64 weeks until my 30th birthday. Starting now, I'd like have done 64 session of yoga on or before my 30th Birthday. A progress bar on the side bar will track my progress.

They say it takes 3 weeks to break or form a habit. If I can do 64 weeks, it will be a lifestyle right :)

1 comment:

  1. I want to start taking yoga too! I just joined a gym and they offer classes so I may be trying those out...
