Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bonjour France!

I booked a ticket to France in October. One of my best friends moved to Cannes with her fiance (now husband) a couple of years ago and I always wanted to visit. Now I am.

It was an impulsive decision so I have nothing planned past landing in Nice. What to do for two weeks? I always wanted to rent an apartment in Paris for a week and wander around Paris, and the surrounding. And I could visit with Lena and her hubby for a week in south of France.

Or I could spend two weeks in south of France. Lena said they are pretty close to the Italian boarder so I could take a little trip there.

I think I'll go get some Lonely planet guide books, by far my favorite travel guides. French food, French Wine, French excited.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh... La France, j'adore!

    Have you decided yet on Paris accomodations? I definitely recommend an apartment. The extra space and use of a kitchen/washing machine is so worth it :-) My 2 experiences have been fabulous.

    Can't wait to hear more!!
